Innovative CHP

Common control and process control technology
with integratation of innovative renewable heat
for highly efficient new and modernised CHP plants

innovative CHP systems are usually based on conventional CHP technology. The gas engine and the generator form the basis of the innovative combined heat and power system. The electrical output of an iCHP plant should exceed 1 MW to a maximum of 10 MW and preferably has a heat-side connection to a district heating network.

At their core, iCHP plants require components designed for the innovative generation of renewable heat. These components can be electric or biogas-operated heat pumps or solar thermal or geothermal systems that generate heat for the iCHP system and provide at least 30% of the reference heat quantity per year.

As the third element, iCHP plants require an electric heat generator. This can be achieved for example with an electrode boiler that supplies at least 30% of the total thermal output of the iCHP system. In this case the heat must generated by conversion and not by the use of environmental heat.

Our iCHP solutions

Universal. Standardized. Scalable.

The main challenge with iCHP plants lies in the shared control of the overall system. This is because an innovative CHP system that is eligible for subsidies must be able to control all of its components via a superordinate control system. It must also feature equipment that complies with measurement and calibration regulations and continuously records the energies used and the heat provided, as well as an interval monitoring system that records the amount of power used and generated. And finally, all energy producers must feed into the same heating network.

For more information on iCHP plants and the subsidies available for them in Germany, we recommend the iCHP data sheet (iKWK) from the German Federal Office of Economics.

iCHP Control System

Where innovative heat is generated, our SE²MASTER is in the middle – our freely configurable solution for superordinate control of iCHP and CHP systems, such as cogeneration plants, heating stations or energy stations, in residential districts, hospitals, spas and in the industrial sector.

All the components of an iCHP system, including CHP Gensets, electrolysers, heat pumps, solar thermal and geothermal systems as well as electric heaters or boilers, electricity / heat storage units, pumps and valves, are perfectly matched with each other. The SE²OPERATOR provides modular control, even for heating networks that consist of multiple energy generators.

By the way we also have a solution for CHP modernization that is 100% integrable into the overall system. Our engine and CHP control system, the E²CON-CHP, allows you to safely and flexibly operate virtually any gas engine, including those that operate with hydrogen addition, and all peripheral CHP equipment.

The best part: Easy configuration instead of complicated programming – even existing or complex systems can be expanded and quickly integrated at any time.

iCHP Plant Optimization

We go one step further and also optimize the overall economic operation of iCHP systems. With surpluses, you can either increase revenues when electricity prices are high or lower consumption costs when electricity prices are low.

For the cost-cutting and revenue-increasing management of all producers, consumers and storage systems in CHP or iCHP plants, our SE²OPTIMIZER is a unique plant optimization solution. With AI-driven demand forecasting as well as weather and power price forecasts, overall economic optimization of operations is performed automatically on site, releasing previously unexploited system flexibilities for marketing.

When pooling multiple power plants (CHP, iCHP, RE eg.), the SE²DIRECTOR takes the helm. It ensures aggregated schedule management in the network and therefore overall operational optimization of all plants.

The best part: Our fee is exclusively linked to the revenue success of optimization.

The easy way to an iCHP plant

For over 25 years we have been helping planners, plant engineers, system partners and service providers with control systems and supporting energy suppliers with energy concepts and solutions for sustainable energy generation in decentralized energy systems. From consulting, planning and engineering to providing standardized MSR technology and support with commissioning and operational optimization - we don't just understand energy, we are full of energy. 

We would be more than happy to assist you in your next project. Contact us!

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